Source code for malaysia_ai_projects.suarakami

import logging
import string
import numpy as np
from herpetologist import check_type

labels = list(
    string.ascii_lowercase  # + string.digits
) + [' ', '_']

blank = labels.index('_')

_available_models = {
    'small-conformer': {
        'Size (MB)': 60.3,
        'WER': 0.239,
        'WER-LM': 0.14,
        'CER': 0.11,
        'CER-LM': 0.03,
        'Entropy': 0.6,
        'Language': ['malay'],
    'tiny-conformer': {
        'Size (MB)': 17.9,
        'WER': 0.4,
        'WER-LM': None,
        'CER': 0.11,
        'CER-LM': None,
        'Entropy': 0.5,
        'Language': ['malay'],

_available_lm = {
    'v1-lm': {
        'Size (MB)': 846

repo_id = 'malay-huggingface/suarakami-models'
huggingface_filenames = {'small-conformer': 'conformer_small.onnx',
                         'tiny-conformer': 'conformer_tiny.onnx',
                         'v1-lm': 'out.trie.klm'}

[docs]def available_model(): """ List available SuaraKami models. """ from malaysia_ai_projects.utils import describe_availability return describe_availability(_available_models)
[docs]def available_lm(): """ List available SuaraKami language models. """ from malaysia_ai_projects.utils import describe_availability return describe_availability(_available_lm)
[docs]@check_type def load(model: str = 'small-conformer', lm: str = None): """ Load suarakami model. Parameters ---------- model : str, optional (default='small-conformer') Model architecture supported. Allowed values: * ``'small-conformer'`` - Small Conformer model. lm: str, optional (default=None) Language Model supported. Allowed values: * ``None`` - No Language Model will use. * ``'v1-lm'`` - Will use V1 Language Model, size ~800 MB. Returns ------- result : malaysia_ai_projects.suarakami.Model class """ model = model.lower() if model not in _available_models: raise ValueError( 'model not supported, please check supported models from `malaysia_ai_projects.suarakami.available_model()`.' ) if isinstance(lm, str): lm = lm.lower() if lm not in _available_lm: raise ValueError( 'model not supported, please check supported models from `malaysia_ai_projects.suarakami.available_lm()`.' ) from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download model = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename=huggingface_filenames[model]) if isinstance(lm, str): lm = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename=huggingface_filenames[lm]) return Model(model=model, lm=lm)
[docs]class Model: def __init__(self, model, lm): self.model = model self.lm = lm self.initialize() def initialize(self): import onnxruntime import multiprocessing sess_options = onnxruntime.SessionOptions() sess_options.graph_optimization_level = onnxruntime.GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_ENABLE_ALL sess_options.intra_op_num_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() try: self.model = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(self.model, sess_options) except Exception as e: raise Exception('onnx model corrupted, please delete cache and try again.') if isinstance(self.lm, str): from pyctcdecode import build_ctcdecoder import kenlm kenlm_model = kenlm.Model(self.lm) self.lm = build_ctcdecoder( labels, kenlm_model, alpha=0.5, beta=1.0, ctc_token_idx=labels.index('_') ) def decode(self, out): out2 = ['_']+list(out) collapsed = [] for idx, i in enumerate(out): if i != out2[idx] and i != blank: collapsed.append(i) return ''.join([labels[i] for i in collapsed])
[docs] def predict(self, input: np.array): """ Parameters ---------- input: np.array np.array, must in 16k rate, prefer from `librosa.load(file,16_000)`. Returns ------- result: text, entropy, timesteps """ inputs = {self.model.get_inputs()[0].name: np.expand_dims(input, 0)} output =, inputs)[0][0] log_probs = output if self.lm is None: entropy = -(np.exp(log_probs) * log_probs).sum(-1).mean(-1) log_probs = log_probs.argmax(-1) text = self.decode(log_probs) timesteps = [0] else: out = self.lm.decode_beams(log_probs, prune_history=True) text, lm_state, timesteps, logit_score, lm_score = out[0] entropy = -(np.exp(log_probs) * log_probs).sum(-1) time = [i[-1] for i in timesteps] entropy = [entropy[i[0]:i[1]].sum().item() for i in time] duration = input.shape[-1] / 16_000 mult = duration / log_probs.shape[0] tt = [] for i in timesteps: left = i[1][0]*mult l = divmod(left, 1) left = l[0] + (l[1] * 0.06) right = i[1][1]*mult r = divmod(right, 1) right = r[0] + (r[1] * 0.06) tt.append((i[0], round(left, 2), round(right, 2))) timesteps = tt return text, entropy, timesteps