Contributing ============ Contributions are welcome and are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given. Code Formatting ---------------- We use `AutoPEP8`_ for code formatting and standard. Checkout `pyproject.toml`_ at root directory. Report Bugs ----------- Report bugs through `Github issue`_. Please report relevant information and preferably code that exhibits the problem. Do not try to email us about the issues, we will not respond to the emails, submit a proper Github issue. Fix Bugs -------- Look through the `Github issue`_ for bugs. Anything is open to whoever wants to implement it. Implement Features ------------------ Look through the `Github issue`_ for features. Any unassigned ``improvement`` issue is open to whoever wants to implement it. Improve Documentation --------------------- Malaysia AI Projects could always use better documentation, might have some typos or uncorrect object names. Submit Feedback --------------- The best way to send feedback is to open an issue on `Github issue`_. Unit test --------- Feel free to help Malaysia AI Projects to write unit-tests, fork it! .. _Types of Contributions: #types-of-contributions .. _Report Bugs: #report-bugs .. _Fix Bugs: #fix-bugs .. _Implement Features: #implement-features .. _Improve Documentation: #improve-documentation .. _Submit Feedback: #submit-feedback .. _Documentation: #documentation .. _Local development environment: #local-development-environment .. _Pull Request Guidelines: #pull-request-guidelines .. _Github issue: .. _Malaya-project: .. _AutoPEP8: .. _pyproject.toml: